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Welcoming Alejandro Jose (A.J)

Writer: MadelineMadeline

We thought we were DONE after our second baby. We had a boy and a girl. Win win! Pregnancy was hard on me. Recovery was worse. I was sure I couldn't handle going through all of that one more time. It helped that my husband felt the same and also felt complete as a family of four.

Until one day we realized we both had room in our hearts for one more.....

6 months later, we were pregnant! I felt so blessed even through the morning sickness, fatigue, vomiting and headaches. Our kids loved this baby before he was here and prepared for his arrival as much as we did!!

I had contractions the day before for 5 hours that were 5 minutes apart before they stopped and I had just enough time to spend one last night with the husband and kids as a family of four before it was time! On July 1st at 2 am, my water broke in my sleep, two weeks before my due date! I knew it was coming somehow. My body had given up. I had zero energy but a sudden urge to walk so I knew!

At 3 am we dropped the kids off at the parents and made it to the hospital. I was 5 cm dilated and exhausted. Our little guy arrived after just four pushes at 12:25 pm!!!

He was perfect. Alejandro Jose Insignares. He had big baby cheeks and one tiny dimple that I noticed right away.

We had Ricker Films come out just 3 hours after delivery to record the moment our older kids met their new baby brother. (Click here to watch: ) I will be forever happy and so thankful to have this video!! These moments were priceless!

Thank you to everyone that has sent gifts, meals, offered help and just sent their love as we have welcomed our baby boy!

The Insignares family is beyond happy!! Thank YOU and welcome to the world sweet AJ!


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  Infinite Focus Photography

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